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Stress Isn’t A Flex: The Unexpected Consequences Of Busy Bragging


Boasting about busyness and stress can breed resentment among colleagues and is perceived as a sign of lower competence, diminishing team dynamics and individual well-being. The phenomenon is driven by societal values that emphasize perpetual productivity and stress as indicators of dedication and importance, fueled by “hustle culture.”

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Digital Tools Increasing Stress For Managers: 77% Employees Distracted By Notifications


The high frequency of digital interruptions also impacts mental health and burnout among employees as the constant connectivity heightens stress. “Nearly six in ten (59%) employees report that digital tools add to their workplace stress.

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11 Strategies for Managing Stress


The root of stress management is realizing stress is information that we can examine and use, and the first step in understanding that data is becoming mindful of our stress and its impact upon us, says Kathleen Hall, founder of The Stress Institute in Atlanta. If you can’t avoid a stressful situation, try to alter it.

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Workplace Stress Is Crushing Young Employees


Gen-Z appears to be the most stressed cohort of workers; a recent BBC report revealed that a staggering 91% of 18-24-year-olds are stressed (compared to 84% of employees overall). According to the BBC report , researchers have found that the stress endured by this generation is due to a conflation of several unfortunate events.

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Support for Four-Day Workweek Rises as Workers Seek Balance Amid Rising Stress


The post Support for Four-Day Workweek Rises as Workers Seek Balance Amid Rising Stress appeared first on Allwork.Space. This could be the largest factor influencing the rising interest in shorter workweeks. While the four-day workweek is not yet mainstream in the U.S.,

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Marathon Training Also Trained My Stress Tolerance—Here’s How


The mental image fascinated me; I had never thought to train myself for a higher stress tolerance. As clinical psychologist Dr. Anderson says that even our perception of stress is subjective. “In One of the factors that could impact the perception of whether or not a situation is stressful to that person is their confidence level.”

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Banish Stress Burnout in 3 Easy Steps


We all know life can be stressful. But is stress actually the enemy? Or is how we respond to it and let stress control us the real problem? Stressful events like giving a big presentation or asking our boss for a promotion aren’t ones that we want to eliminate from our lives. Map it to control your stress.

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