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How to Build a Powerful Professional Network

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Webinar Announcement

Join us for this month’s free webinar on the topic of “How to Build a Powerful Professional Network.”

February is the month of love! While most people think love doesn’t have a lot to do with business, I disagree. In fact, business is all about people and relationships. Sure, love isn’t necessarily the goal. But all great relationships, whether personal or professional, have common elements: trust, respect and authentic connection, to name just a few. When it comes to career success, you need strong relationships to achieve your goals. That’s why, in this beautiful month of love, I’ll be showing you how to build a powerful professional network. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Your professional network can be your most powerful business asset or your biggest liability. Unfortunately, many people don’t pay much attention to their network until they need something (like a new job). However, that’s a very reactive approach to your career. I advocate that you take a proactive approach. After all, if you want people to support you in your time of need, they first need to care about you. They have to know, like and trust you. Otherwise, why would they want to put their own reputation on the line to help you out?

I recommend that everyone, regardless of where you are in your career or where you want to go, work continuously to build a powerful professional network. This is something that should be an ongoing effort—not an occasional activity you only do during a job search.

Powerful connections don’t just happen; they require an investment of time and energy. In this month’s free webinar, you’ll learn simple strategies to expand your interpersonal skills, make new contacts, and deepen existing relationships so you can build a powerful professional network of your own.

How to Build a Powerful Professional Network (Webinar)

How to Build a Powerful Professional Network

The relationships you build, or fail to build, follow you throughout your career. Your professional contacts can be incredible advocates for you; they can give you access to new opportunities, provide a wealth of information and help you get where you want to be. Without a strong network on your side, career progress is likely to be much slower and harder.

Unfortunately, many professionals don’t know how to create these kinds of powerful relationships. They’re haphazard in their approach, rather than being strategic and intentional. As a result, they struggle to create the kind of relationships they need to achieve their career goals. Don’t let that happen to you! This session will show you exactly how to build a powerful professional network one step at a time. 

In this session, you will learn…

  • What a powerful professional relationship actually is (and what it is NOT)
  • How to create authentic relationships that go beyond surface-level acquaintanceships
  • How to get what you want and leverage relationships without taking advantage of others
  • Non-traditional ways of expanding your network (without attending awkward “networking” events) 

Sorry, This Webinar Has Already Taken Place

To access the video replay, join the Career Success Library. You can access this webinar plus 100+ additional resources including training videos, downloadable workbooks and more.

About the Author

Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She is an author, in-demand presenter and international speaker known for engaging, entertaining, educating and empowering audiences of all sizes and backgrounds. Learn more here.

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