Top 7 Ways to Stay Up To Date On Technology and Business Innovation

A supplement to an article titled “Inclusion Comes With Increased Awareness” published in the October edition of OfficePro magazine, written by Richard Dedor.

Do the words digital transformation, the Metaverse, NFT, crypto, or online collaboration, mean anything to you? Perhaps you have heard of some of these or perhaps these are all foreign topics to you. In either case, it is important to remain versed in all things business, management, technology, and everything in between to ensure you’re able to lead your organization forward and not get left behind.

These seven tips are designed to keep you on the forefront of changing business technology. 

Follow These Leaders on Twitter

Twitter has democratized information and allowed users to gain direct insight and provide feedback to today’s biggest thinkers. It is easy to just go to and use their search feature to find the people talking about things you’re interested in. There are even Twitter chats you can join around topics of interest. 


            Christine Johnston 

            Eric Fulwiler

Technology & Tools

            Alex Mulhearn (Microsoft Teams)

            Jason Fried


            Seth Godin

            Mark Crowley

Subscribe to a Few Newsletters

Email newsletters are a great way to get insights straight to your inbox. Over the last year, this method of communication has exploded and there are an unlimited number of great newsletters to keep you up to date on technology and business. 

Listen to These Podcast on the way to work 

Podcasts have been around for nearly 20 years but new ones pop up every day! Here are a few to help you: 

  • HBR: Idea Cast (This is a great show discussing office, culture, and personal health) 
  • The Next Big Idea (This podcast gets your mind thinking and allows you to connect the topics back to your day to day job and life)
  • Getting Things Done (David Allen, author of Getting Things Done uses the GTD system to help listeners achieve what he calls a “mind like water”)

Join a Discord Community 

Discord has blown up in popularity in the tech and crypto community, but there are great communities out there depending on what your focus is. Think of Discord as an invite-only social network. There are communities around mental health, hobbies, and sports.

Get Active on LinkedIn 

LinkedIn remains one of the best places to learn and ask questions. As you have built your network over the years (make sure you always connect with those you meet and who to stay connected to), those are the people you can continually connect with to ask questions and gain new insights. 

Post content to your feed on LinkedIn. This shows that not only are you passionate about your professional career and growth, but also shows that you’re a resource for others.

Explore Reddit 

Depending on your focus and career goals, Reddit can offer another chance to build a great community network. There are “subreddits” for things like executive assistants and paralegals, but also things like Microsoft and Excel and everything in between. You can post questions, answer questions, or talk about enhancements and things you’ve learned! 

Read Blogs Related To Your Focus Area

Much like Twitter, blogs of 2022 have taken a dramatic turn from long-form writing to shorter-form dives into the thinking of the creator. These are a great way to get deeper insights into opportunities for growth, behavior changes, and overall personal development. 


OfficePro Magazine is an award-winning publication from IAAP. Each issue is filled with useful content, special offers, and association information.

Richard Dedor a marketing and business speaker and consultant with 20 years of industry experience. Follow him at and learn more at

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