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How to Prepare for Important Career Conversations

by | Jan 7, 2019 | Webinar Announcement

In the past, the “Annual Review” was the time—once a year—when you knew you would have the opportunity to sit down with your boss and get feedback, discuss career goals, and possibly even request a raise or promotion.

However, in recent years, the Annual Review has become somewhat of a relic in the modern workplace. Many organizations are now taking a different approach and implementing a “Frequent Feedback” model instead, where important career conversations take place more regularly, informally and throughout the year.  

Perhaps your company still has a yearly review process, or maybe it’s quarterly, or maybe it’s not even called a “review” but rather, you just have casual check-in conversations with your boss.

Regardless of what they’re called or how often they happen, the fact remains: important career conversations will happen. And when they do, you want to be prepared.

Whether you’re preparing for a planned sit-down with your boss or engaging in an impromptu discussion, you want to use this time wisely. But unfortunately, many people fail to do so because they don’t know what to expect…and often don’t even know what they want to achieve from the conversation. As a result, they simply allow their boss to run the show, and when it’s all over, they inevitably feel disappointed with the results.   

Don’t let this happen to you! This webinar will help you prepare for important career conversations with your boss so you can walk in feeling confident and empowered. You’ll have everything you need to set yourself up for success so you’ll be ready whenever you find yourself discussing important career matters.  

How to Prepare for Important Career Conversations

How to Prepare for Important Career Conversations (Webinar)


Career conversations can be difficult, even under the best of circumstances. Whether you’re taking part in a formal review process or sitting down for an informal discussion with your boss, it’s easy to feel flustered and timid, especially when it comes to asking for something like a raise or promotion. If you’re not adequately prepared, it’s unlikely you’ll achieve the outcome you want.

However, with a little planning and forethought, you can approach any career conversation with the right mindset and a clear roadmap to achieve your goals. With the help of a few simple tools, you’ll never again find yourself feeling confused or overwhelmed by such discussions. Instead, you’ll feel confident and empowered to guide the conversation in the direction you want it to go.

As an attendee, you will learn…

  • How to track your own performance all year long—so you can comfortably speak about it at any time
  • How to predict certain elements of the conversation and plan an effective response in advance
  • How to define exactly what you want and gather everything you need to make a successful career request (for raises, promotions, more responsibilities, etc.)

Sorry, This Webinar Has Already Taken Place

To access the video replay, join the Career Success Library. You can access this webinar plus 100+ additional resources including training videos, downloadable workbooks and more.

About the Author

Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She is an author, in-demand presenter and international speaker known for engaging, entertaining, educating and empowering audiences of all sizes and backgrounds. Learn more here.

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