Using Life’s Challenges to Build Mental Strength with Amy Morin

UPDATED: May 9, 2024
PUBLISHED: April 25, 2023
Using Life's Challenges to Build Mental Strength with Amy Morin

Amy Morin is deeply familiar with grief. When she was in her 20s, both her mother and husband passed away suddenly. Confronted by immeasurable suffering, Morin began exploring strategies to help her cope and develop her mental strength. In the following years, she penned two international bestsellers about the ins and outs of building resilience and mental strength.

Now, Morin lives on a boat in the Florida Keys and serves as a licensed clinical social worker, an instructor at Northeastern University and a psychotherapist. She penned the international bestsellers 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do and 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do. In addition to her writing projects, she serves as editor-in-chief of Verywell Mind and hosts The Verywell Mind Podcast

Tune in as Morin and In the Details host Karen Allen empathize over being thrust into an unspoken “young widows” club and share the insights they’ve acquired while processing tragedy. Morin shares the importance of letting ourselves feel uncomfortable emotions but knowing when those emotions help or keep us stuck. Make sure to take notes when this acclaimed psychotherapist offers strategies to regain your power and develop resilience in the face of loss. As she profoundly notes: “Life is still going to throw you curveballs, but when you’re mentally strong, it’s all about the choices you make every day. […] No matter what you’re going through, what will you do today?”

Follow Amy Morin on LinkedIn and Instagram, or buy her books 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do and 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do. Watch her TEDx talk, “The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong.” Her websites are and

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In the Details is no longer releasing new episodes on the SUCCESS Podcast Network, but you can still listen to the full conversation below.