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The Power of Modern Business Etiquette

by | Nov 2, 2020 | Webinar Announcement

Join us for this month’s free webinar on the topic of “The Power of Business Etiquette.”

Webinar Description:

Etiquette may sound like an antiquated term, but it’s a concept that still very much applies in our modern business world. Contrary to popular belief, etiquette is not about following some arbitrary set of “rules.” It’s about making the people around you feel comfortable and respected. When you fail to follow proper business etiquette, you create distractions that negatively impact your relationships and your reputation.

On the other hand, when you follow proper etiquette, people may not necessarily notice what you’re doing…but they will notice how they feel in your presence. It will help people see you as a credible, trustworthy professional. It’s no exaggeration to say that your knowledge of etiquette (or lack thereof) can make or break your career. 

As a participant, you will learn…

  • The most common etiquette missteps and how to avoid them
  • How to use your best judgement when you’re not sure what appropriate etiquette is
  • How to follow the intent of etiquette, while adapting the “rules” for your business culture
  • What to do if/when you make an etiquette error
  • How to continuously expand your knowledge of etiquette as it evolves in the future

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To access the video replay, join the Career Success Library. You can access this webinar plus 100+ additional resources including training videos, downloadable workbooks and more.

About the Author

Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She is an author, in-demand presenter and international speaker known for engaging, entertaining, educating and empowering audiences of all sizes and backgrounds. Learn more here.

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