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20 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Accepting a New Job

by | Nov 1, 2010 | Job Search

Woo-hoo! You got a job offer. Way to go.

But before you jump at the opportunity, I recommend taking a few minutes to really evaluate the position and how well it meets your needs. (If you need help figuring out what your needs actually are, be sure to download my e-workbook “How Nourishing is YOUR Career?” in the Free Career Resource Library)

You see, when searching for a job, many people get anxious. The process is so slow and stressful; they end up accepting the first decent offer that comes along without ever really considering if they’re making the right move at the right time. This is one of the reasons so many people end up being “job hoppers,” bouncing from one position to the next. If you don’t take the time on the front end to truly explore what you want from a new job and to figure out if this position satisfies those desires, you’ll end up paying for it on the back end.

So take a few minutes to ask yourself the following twenty questions before you say “yes” to that job offer. And if you don’t like the answers you come up with, give yourself permission to continue the search. There are plenty of opportunities out there. Don’t let fear and anxiety force you to settle.

  1. Is this a long-term career move? If not, what does this position offer in the way of experience and/or connections that will put me in a better position for achieving my long-term career goals in the future? How long do I need to stay in order to gain these advantages?
  2. If this is a short-term career move, what is the purpose of it? Am I running away from something I DON’T want or running towards something I DO want?
  3. Does this position challenge my mental abilities?
  4. Am I capable of, and comfortable with, doing the tasks for which I would be responsible?
  5. Do I fully understand the expectations of the role?
  6. Will the company provide me with the necessary resources to be successful?
  7. Does this position utilize my talents and skills?
  8. Will I be able to offer a valuable contribution?
  9. Will I be proud to be associated with the company’s brand, product and/or services?
  10. Does the company culture appear to be in line with my values?
  11. Is the office location a comfortable distance from home? Will the commute potentially be a problem and if so, how will I overcome it?
  12. Have my interactions with other employees been comfortable and friendly?
  13. Can I envision feeling at home with the other employees socially?
  14. Does my direct supervisor appear to be a supportive individual from whom I can learn?
  15. Is the work environment conducive to my own work style?
  16. Will the work feel professionally satisfying?
  17. Financially, will this job provide me with a desirable lifestyle? If not, does it have the potential to in the future?
  18. Will the benefits package meet my needs?
  19. Is there opportunity for future professional growth?
  20. Are there any potential problems I can foresee in accepting this job? If so, how will I avoid them and/or overcome them?

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About the Author

Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She is an author, in-demand presenter and international speaker known for engaging, entertaining, educating and empowering audiences of all sizes and backgrounds. Learn more here.

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