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Life In Progress

by | Nov 8, 2011 | General Career Advice

I wanted to take just a minute to update all of you about what’s been going on around here because I haven’t had a chance to write a new blog post in several weeks. You see…life has kind of…gotten in the way. For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been in the process of relocating from Atlanta, GA to Denver, CO. Yes, that’s a huge move. 1380 miles…give or take.

I’ve done the cross-country move thing before, when I moved to Atlanta from the California bay area over three years ago. If you’ve never done it before, I assure you: a move like this is tough. There’s just a ton of planning involved. And this time, I actually drove with my dog instead of having my car shipped. We spent four days on the road, going through Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, a little more Texas, New Mexico and finally Colorado.

We arrived here exactly a week ago today. I can tell you that the drive itself was pretty straightforward. I listened to two full audiobooks (including The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, which I loved). And though Mollie, my yorkie-poo, was a great traveling companion, we were definitely ready to get off the road when the time came.

My two cats, thankfully, were shipped here (for their sanity and mine) so we’ve all been reunited at this point. Of course, life is never as simple as you’d like it to be…and moving cross-country is no exception. Turns out my furniture won’t arrive until sometime next week (fingers crossed) so I’ve been camping out at my parent’s house.

Yes, you read that right. I’m a 33-year-old woman, living and working from my parent’s basement. While it might sound rather drab, I’m actually enjoying my time here thoroughly. It’s nice to be in the presence of family and, heck, I’m eating better than I have in years! Life carries on, even in the midst of chaos.

So, all of this is to say, I’ve been busy. And aside from the physical craziness of the move, there’s been a lot of emotional craziness as well. I suffered a few massive anxiety attacks prior to the drive out here. I wasn’t sleeping well, or eating right, or thinking straight. Anyone who’s moved recently surely knows what I’m talking about. Thankfully, things seem to be getting better now. I’m relaxing and easing into life in snow-country. Even though things are still in transition for a while, I feel much more sane these days.

Now, some of you may know that I never like to share a personal story without providing a lesson for you, dear reader. So, in this case, I offer the following:

1. Don’t be afraid to call on your loved ones when you need help. I know I couldn’t have made it here without my family supporting me at every step along the way. The people who love you will always be there…but they don’t always know how or when you need them. So speak up. Ask for what you need, and you shall receive.

2. Lean into the chaos when it appears…because it will. The more you fight it, the crazier you feel. Remember: This too shall pass. Change is the sum of chaos and opportunity. Embrace both equally.

3. Give yourself room to recover. I haven’t written on this blog (or even thought about it, honestly) for several weeks, and I’m okay with that. I needed this time. And I might need a little more in the coming weeks. I’m not beating myself up about it.

4. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. This is a lesson I’m reminding myself of everyday. It’s easy, when times are hard and you feel overwhelmed, to crumble and just say, “I can’t do this!” But you can. You really, really can. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I’ll update you all again soon. Until then, please feel free to enjoy some of my older posts on the blog. There are hundreds to explore!!

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About the Author

Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She is an author, in-demand presenter and international speaker known for engaging, entertaining, educating and empowering audiences of all sizes and backgrounds. Learn more here.

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