Burnout Can Be a Sign of Big Business Growth—Here’s What to Do Next

UPDATED: May 17, 2024
PUBLISHED: December 30, 2021
Burnout Can Be a Sign of Your Business' Growth—Here's What to Do Next

Sometimes in life, pain and difficulty can be positive signs. 

To the bootstrapping entrepreneur, for example, feelings of burnout may be inevitable, but it might actually mean you’re on the right track. If there’s more and more work to be done, your business is probably growing. Many entrepreneurs experience burnout because they mistakenly believe they have to do all the work themselves.

That’s why knowing when it’s time to build a team to help you grow and scale your business is essential to your continued success.

If you are overworked, overwhelmed and ready to upgrade your business, it’s time to answer these five questions.

How much will it cost me if I continue doing this job myself?

To get to the bottom of this, you must understand what your time is worth. Calculate your hourly income and then consider the number of hours you spend on the tasks you’d rather not do yourself. If marketing isn’t your strength and it takes hours of your day, hire an expert and spend your time more productively.

Think about how much more money you could be making if you focus entirely on high-dollar producing activities and delegate the rest.

How much will it cost me to hire someone to do this job?

Once you are clear about the job description, you need to do some research. Look online for what a qualified candidate with the required skills may expect to be paid. It’s also worth noting that money is not the only compensation people value. There may be some interesting perks you can offer to your new hire. Create a win-win by considering all your options and determine what makes the most sense for your business as a whole.

What more important things can I spend my time doing if someone else does this job?

At SUCCESS Coaching, we believe in a holistic approach to growth and development. An unbalanced life can cause unnecessary stress, not to mention emotional and financial harm. So if your answer to this question isn’t work related, that’s OK!

Although you certainly can spend your time being more financially productive, you can also create a more balanced life by stepping back from your business and enjoying your hard-earned success. If delegating will allow you to enrich other areas of your life while growing your business, you’re moving in the right direction.

How much opportunity am I missing if I continue to do this job myself?

When you are focused on just getting the job done, you may miss important opportunities to grow or expand your business.

Make sure you are set up to recognize opportunities so you can steer your business where you want it to go. If Amazon had stayed focused on only selling books, it would never have become the titan of industry it is today.

Who is the right person to do this job?

Many entrepreneurs struggle with this question. To make this process simple, you must identify the most fundamental skills necessary to get the job done. Then hire someone to take that specific workload off your plate.

Creating clarity around this skill set will ultimately save you time, energy and money. However, identifying these skills is only part of the solution. You must also find someone who will be happy doing the daily tasks of their job. This goes beyond mere competency and requires you to evaluate if a person is a good “fit” for the role. Just because someone can do something doesn’t mean they will enjoy doing it every day. To create a harmonious and sustainable work environment, make sure that you hire someone who wants to be there and will support your continual growth.

Take your time to get these questions right and you will enjoy some additions to your team for years to come—not to mention more time doing the things you do best and enjoy most. 

This article originally appeared in the January/February 2022 Issue of SUCCESS magazine. Photo by