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Career Advice from the Hit Show “The Voice”

by | Jun 20, 2011 | Quirky Career Lessons Series

Confession: I love the new hit show on NBC, “The Voice.” Maybe it’s because Adam Levine and Blake Shelton are so cute. Perhaps it’s because Cee Lo is so weird. Or maybe it’s just because Christina Aguilera strikes me as a train wreck waiting to happen…and when it does, there will be a lot of big hair and big vocals to accompany it.

Whatever the reason, I’m a fan.

While catching up on the latest episode last night, it dawned on me that there are some career advice lessons to be had from this spectacle. (Yes, I’m justifying my obsession…just go with it!). Behold the hidden career advice golden nuggets from The Voice.

Be Coachable

In the show, each famous coach has the opportunity to take an unknown but talented singer and make them a star. The singers all have the basic capability, but they need mentorship. They’re amateurs and many of them appear terrified.

The ones who do well are willing and able to be coached. They don’t think they know it all. They’re open to criticism—and even hungry for it. They take their coach’s advice. That’s a big deal.

Are you coachable? Do you actively seek critique from those who have already achieved the goals you’re after? Are you willing to say, “Yes” even when the advice you receive is scary? These are the things that will make you stand out.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

The successful competitors push themselves. They allow their coach to stretch them. They remember this is a competition and that means you can’t just sit back and relax if you want to win.

On each show, the ones who have really stood out to me are those who make a conscious decision to step into new territory, even when it’s obviously uncomfortable.  The ones who shine brightest are following the mantra of “go big or go home”.

Are you stuck in your comfort zone? Are you playing to win in the career game? Do you allow your mentors and advisors to push you, even when the fear seems insurmountable? This is what separates the good from the great.

Bring Your Own Suggestions

Song selection is always an interesting topic on the show. It appears to be a collaboration of coach and singer in most instances. However, the people that have really stood out for me so far (Dia Frampton and Vicki Martinez) both brought—and fought—for their song choice. In both circumstances, the songs could have gone horribly wrong. But, in the end, the coaches both said they were happy they had been convinced.

To me, this shows the importance of bringing your own ideas to the table. After all, the show is called The Voice. You have to be vocal if you want to be heard.

Have you found your voice at work? Do you share your thoughts or do you let others dictate the path? While being coachable is a critical component of success, you can’t just be a puppet. You have to have your own opinions and know when to speak up. Similarly, you have to know when to back down. It’s a tough note to hit but when it’s right, it rocks.

Do you watch The Voice? Who’s your favorite singer so far? Any other career advice you can pull from it?

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About the Author

Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She is an author, in-demand presenter and international speaker known for engaging, entertaining, educating and empowering audiences of all sizes and backgrounds. Learn more here.

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