5 Trends in Web Positioning in 2021

Search engine optimization is quite changeable. It has to adjust to every Google algorithm which means it can be a bit unpredictable. Fortunately, some professional, experienced SEO experts are able to predict some of the trends for the following years.

Organic search ranking

What will shake the positioning world in 2021? Here’s the list of 10 most probable trends you need to know.

1. Mobile first? Mobile only!

It’s been a trend of the last few years but you should definitely focus on it even more in 2021. You need to provide your potential customers with a perfect user experience not only on desktops but also on mobiles. Website’s elements and content should be based on your users’ needs and requirements. The design should be simple and not overwhelming.

In a bit, Google may ignore your desktop site and focus entirely on the mobile one which as a result will determine your ranks.

2. Core Web Vitals to shake the SEO world

New metrics called the Core Web Vitals have been announced by Google in May 2020, so we had a bit of time to be prepared. But what do they exactly stand for? These essential factors are supposed to measure your website’s user experience including loading, interactivity, and visual stability. They are all related to page speed – how fast it loads, how soon it gets interactive and how stable it is during the process of loading.

Core Web Vitals are said to join other Google ranking factors in May 2021 so it may be crucial to hire a SEO agency like https://www.fabrykamarketingu.com/web-positioning/ to help you out.

3. Valuable content – always and forever

You probably know that the content on your website should be both relevant and valuable to your potential customers. And it’s a trend that will stay.

A website’s user satisfaction and positive experience is key – the content you offer should be in-depth, original, appealing and connected to the questions or phrases typed in Google. If your visitors won’t find what they’re looking for, they will simply move on to other websites with more relevant information. You really don’t want that. That’s why you should analyze your customers’ needs, wishes, and requirements towards your services or products.

4. Search intent over keywords

Since the BERT update introduced in 2019 Google has been able to interpret a user’s intent even from longer phrases written in natural language. It’s a function that should be a perfect match for more and more popular voice assistants and voice search. People want to ask a simple question and get immediate, relevant answers. And what’s more, they want to search without touching their devices – just speaking to them.

5. Video as a new king

Did you know that YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google? Maybe it’s time to use its power? Video channels and content can be optimized for SEO as well. You can for example use keyword-induced titles and descriptions. If your videos are interesting and appealing, and additionally rank high in YouTube, they will rank high in Google, too.


Regardless of what Google decides on what to include in their ranking considerations, following the above trends will put you in the sweet spot for better web positioning in the year 2021. Make sure you do those right, or hire someone who knows how to turn those trends into action plan.


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