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Emergent Research

  • EMERGENT RESEARCH is focused on better understanding the small business sector of the US and global economy.

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  • The authors are Steve King and Carolyn Ockels. Steve and Carolyn are partners at Emergent Research and Senior Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research. Carolyn is leading the coworking study and Steve is a member of the project team.

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  • Emergent Research works with corporate, government and non-profit clients. When we reference organizations that have provided us funding in the last year we will note it. If we mention a product or service that we received for free or other considerations, we will note it.
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Member since 01/2005

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September 21, 2010


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I agree. For successful research must first think about creating something new or a big update of something exists before trying to market a product. It is the result of the originality that will give good results trading!


Thanks for the insights, you give an idea how to use my knowledge in putting up a business.

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