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  • EMERGENT RESEARCH is focused on better understanding the small business sector of the US and global economy.

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  • The authors are Steve King and Carolyn Ockels. Steve and Carolyn are partners at Emergent Research and Senior Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research. Carolyn is leading the coworking study and Steve is a member of the project team.

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  • Emergent Research works with corporate, government and non-profit clients. When we reference organizations that have provided us funding in the last year we will note it. If we mention a product or service that we received for free or other considerations, we will note it.
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September 17, 2010


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document scanning services

I see a booming industry using 3d printing. If everyone can purchase this easily then everyone can start a small business without the need of special skills in crafting and use of large machines to create models.

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A few years back, I wouldn't have believed 3D printing would be something anyone can access. Printing services are forever changing!


Florida Business Broker

It is sometimes hard to imagine the creativity that goes into the design of a 3-D printer. No wonder the prices havent come down that much.

H.P. Jones

Finally! does anyone have an estimate how much the cost of per page print ? 3D printing this is a long time in the waiting

Aaron Spencer

I work for a Custom Label Printing company and while we have tried using many different printing techniques, we haven't gone as far as to use one of these. In my personal life, I had the opportunity to use one to print off rudimentary prototypes and it was actually really useful.

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Improvements in technology for 3D printers technology has allowed a huge range of companies (not just CAD designers) to use different materials instead of plastic or metals. 3D Printing is surely only going to get cheaper and better.

SEO Nottingham

This is really innovative. Kudos for sharing this article!

Dental Implants Preston

I just came across one recently, It looks like a microwave oven, but in fact it is the latest in home printing ,Experts predict that in 10 years, every living room will have one. The 3D printers are also moving into the mainstream. Hewlett-Packard last month released its first mass-market 3D printer, Designjet, costing around £15,000, and is targeting designers, who can use it to create models or prototypes. Smaller, cheaper versions are also under development, and these are expected to launch within months.

Tooth Implants Preston

I just cam across one recently, It looks like a microwave oven, but in fact it is the latest in home printing ,Experts predict that in 10 years, every living room will have one. The 3D printers are also moving into the mainstream. Hewlett-Packard last month released its first mass-market 3D printer, Designjet, costing around £15,000, and is targeting designers, who can use it to create models or prototypes. Smaller, cheaper versions are also under development, and these are expected to launch within months.

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