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  • EMERGENT RESEARCH is focused on better understanding the small business sector of the US and global economy.

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  • The authors are Steve King and Carolyn Ockels. Steve and Carolyn are partners at Emergent Research and Senior Fellows at the Society for New Communications Research. Carolyn is leading the coworking study and Steve is a member of the project team.

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June 03, 2010


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The colours were appealing but after a while they became a bit too much on the eyes. The black is certainly darker but I think it helps to bring out whats on the page more. Foreground is important while background should only compliment rather then overpower the foreground.

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Every man's work, whether it be literature of music of pictures or architecture of anything else, is always a portrait of himself.Do you understand?

Bridgette Penel

The contingent workforce is exactly why I co-founder Werkadoo, a marketplace for the part-timers, freelancers ,independent contractors (a.k.a., anyone not a full-time employee). Reality is businesses are now open to other options and now have technology to support remote, contingent professionals. Werkadoo's entire mission is to be the marketplace they can build a full-time paycheck! Check us out: www.werkadoo.com - tell us what you think!


Flexibility and efficiency are key, I concur.
Cheaper, too, because with flatter organizations, less management is involved.

I would add that a fourth benefit is an improvement in the quality of work produced.

Compare the capabilities and vested interest of salaried employees versus contracted professionals. The professionals often have larger networks and more resources, and unlike their counterparts, the employees, they command respect and compensation equal to their contribution rather than their title.

My own experience:
December '09, while everyone was getting laid off, I quit my job as executive creative director at a marketing agency and started a a network of media and marketing partners.

I called it a work collective, and I'm in the midst of creating a resource for interdependent professionals (I believe the word "freelance" connotes "hired help".)


I'd love to hear from those who different perspectives than mine, and opposing views. Thanks!



Michael: Excellent point and thanks for the pointer to the DOL regs.

We think this is going to be a huge issue - with governments at all levels and labor unions on one side, and businesses on the other.


One of the problems with this is that because the federal/state governments are out of cash, they are going to be heavily scrutinizing any attempts to pass of employees as independent contractors.

See: Play/plan/Prevent:


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