A Few Words about Flutter

Flutter is even more popular than it seems at first glance. You may have never heard about it but there is a high possibility that you have used an app made with it. Such companies as Alibaba, Google, Groupon, eBay, The New York Times, and SpaceX used Flutter for their apps.

Flutter framework

So, what is special about Flutter? We, Flutter app development company OTAKOYI, know this technology inside out. As it is with any instrument, it has pros and cons. Therefore, read on to learn everything you need to know about Flutter.

About Flutter in General

Google has created Flutter as a technology for cross-platform development. This means that you have only one codebase for iOS and Android applications. In fact, it is somewhat wrong to call Flutter a framework since it is more than that. Flutter is a Software Development Kit (SDK) because it is like a convenient DIY set for developers with the toys they really enjoy: widgets, APIs for testing and integration, hot reload, and many more.


Flutter is reactive, which means that it changes the content of the UI once new information was input. Yes, it is not a unique characteristic for a modern-day framework, but Flutter does this part of the work better than React Native, for instance. Usually, to reach this goal, a framework uses a so-called JavaScript bridge, and it slows down the process. However, Flutter uses Dart programming language, and it really makes a difference. Let me explain to you why.


Dart compiles everything into a native code even before it is needed. This technology is called ahead of time compilation. That is why Flutter apps work without trouble with performance. Moreover, Flutter does not have to use the widgets of the equipment, on which its apps are currently being run. Instead, Flutter has its own widgets that suit both iOS and Android devices.


Flutter uses such tools as Dart Observatory and Dart Analyzer to fix the bugs in an app. Unlike Ionic, Flutter cannot be debugged with the use of WebView. In fact, there are a lot of different ways to execute debugging, but most of the time, developers use third-party solutions to this issue, and the same can be applied to Flutter. However, there is one more difference. Because of the fact that Flutter is SDK, there are other solutions to the issue of debugging. Flutter has a toolset to conduct unit, widget, and integration tests.

Flutter Strengths

Here are the features you may love about Flutter:


Widgets are ready-made decisions that you can use while working with Flutter. In plain English, widgets are building blocks for the user interface.

Widgets also are the elements of the Flutter object model. This SDK is all about widgets, and it is even possible to say that it is a widget kit. Furthermore, you can create your custom ones in case existing ones do not suit your needs. And if it is not enough for you, you can unite a few widgets to create a layout.

Easy to learn

If you want to start creating apps on Flutter, you can start it even with minimal experience in coding. However, the knowledge of Dart will make your skills more advanced. The thing that would help you start building your apps with Flutter is documentation and tons of video lessons, all of which were carefully developed by Google.

Dart Language

Dart is a programming language, the syntax of which resembles Java or C++. One of the best features of Flutter is that it is created in such a way that uses the strong sides of different compilation types. Usually, you choose between ahead-of-time and just-in-time compilation. The former one makes an app run smoothly but slows down the development process. The latter one, on contrary, facilitates the development but decelerates the work of an app. However, you do not have to make this harsh choice if you work with Flutter because it uses just-in-time compilation during the development process, and changes it into ahead-of-time when the app is ready for its users.

Software development using Flutter

Another thing that facilitates the work of a Flutter app is the compilation that turns your apps into native ones. Usually, frameworks use the JavaScript bridge that slows everything down. Flutter does not use it.

Hot reload

One of the most pleasant features of Flutter is hot reload. This makes your app react instantly to changes you implement. Such a possibility improves your code because it allows you to try new approaches and basically experiment.


Being a Software Development Kit, Flutter can create applications for almost anything. The embedded third-party APIs allow Flutter to connect to a different OS, such as Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.


Flutter is designed in order to be used worldwide. For this purpose, it has options to choose between different units of measure, configurations if writing from right to left is required and the last but not least, it supports 24 languages.

Flutter weaknesses

These things may cause you some problems. However, you can use this section as a check-list, and if any of these does not relate to your project, you can still use Flutter with success.

Lack of libraries

Libraries play a big role in software development since they contain big chunks of already created functionality. Since Flutter is a relatively new SDK, it does not have a lot of these. Therefore, if you have to create something complex or unique, you will have to develop it from scratch.

Dart is unpopular

Since Flutter requires some knowledge of Dart, you will need to find the programmers with these skills. However, much more people prefer to learn JavaScript than Dart because of the wide use of the former. That is why you may experience a lack of staff for your Flutter project.

Apps are large

There is a price you have to pay for the smooth wok of Flutter apps, and it is their size. This may be a problem when apps for smartphones are concerned. The thing is that a user has limited storage on their phone, and if your app is big, it might be deleted.

Problem with iOS

The fact is that Flutter was developed by Google, a company that specializes in Android apps. Therefore, any updates for iOS development always come later. However, Flutter is still in beta, and this problem may be solved once it is released.


Flutter is a convenient Software Development Kit that you can easily use for the creation of cross-platform apps. It has some disadvantages that may scare you off using it, but in case these problems do not concern your project peculiarities, it is still a great instrument for you. Besides, Flutter has a lot of features that may help you develop an app within the shortest time as well as helps to save budget. Moreover, it is elaborated enough to facilitate the software development process, and that is why your employees will love it.


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