Confession #10: Virtual meetings are (sometimes) exhausting

In 2020 I started working from home on March 18. Here it is, June 2021. Fifteen months in and I’m still working from home. Over one year of not going into the office five days a week.

Over a year of not being in face-to-face meetings. What’s that been like?

I have to say, I had no idea that virtual meetings could become so . . . what’s the word I’m looking for? Draining? Time-consuming?

I’m not knocking virtual meetings. I’m just . . . okay, I’ll confess: attending virtual meetings throughout the weeks, months, and this past year while teleworking has been somewhat draining. Have you felt like that? I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one to feel like that.

I think the reason I’m feeling that way is because I have three different groups expecting me to attend virtual meetings. And some of those groups like to hold their virtual meetings during what would be my lunch hour. You know, lunch hours where you get to enjoy a break from work and do what you want, whether you eat or not.

I think that’s what’s been so exhausting. Not being able to break away for a full hour during the work day.

Do I have to attend during my lunch hour? Well no, but if I (sometimes) choose not to attend . . . I wonder, will I sometimes be seen by others as a non-team player?

Am I the only one feeling a bit drained by all the virtual meetings?

2 thoughts on “Confession #10: Virtual meetings are (sometimes) exhausting

  1. Hi Judy,

    I completely agree with you about virtual meetings being exhausting! As a matter of fact, I gave up my volunteer work last year because of this. I was spending 5-6 hours a day sitting in front of my computer in virtual meetings. Way too much. It’s funny because I wouldn’t mind doing that for face-to-face meetings, but not virtual meetings.



    • Thanks Nancy. It will be nice to get back to face-to-face meetings. There’s something to be said for the visual clues you can pick up on while in person. One thing I am grateful for – some of the virtual meeting leaders understand if an attendee doesn’t want to turn on his/her camera; thank goodness for that!

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