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Fed Slashes Interest Rate as Focus Shifts to Employment Challenges


The Federal Reserve initiated its highly anticipated interest rate cuts on Wednesday, reducing the benchmark rate by half a percentage point. Wednesday’s rate cut will have widespread effects across the U.S. economy and workforce. By lowering the cost of borrowing, the Fed hopes to energize economic activities such as consumer spending and business investments.

2024 264
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34 Great Tools for Boosting Your Freelance Business


If you’re a freelancer, you must handle everything from accounting and marketing to customer service and project management. That’s why it’s important to assemble a mix of tools to help you run your freelance business successfully. Good tools can significantly streamline the administrative side of your freelance business and manage your workload, allowing you to focus more on your craft and client work.

Basecamp 264

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Proactivity vs. Initiative: Unlocking the Secrets to Administrative Excellence

Office Dynamics

Discover the difference between proactivity and initiative, and how mastering both can elevate your skills as an administrative assistant.

Skills 246
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Maximize Growth with Virtual Service Providers

Tips From T. Marie

“Wait, you can actually run a business without an office?” If the number of times I’ve heard that line transferred into cash I’d sipping protein coffee and scrolling TikTok instead of writing this article. The truth is, the way we work is undergoing rapid change. And if you’re not on board the bullet train, you’re seriously missing out. Let me introduce you to the world of virtual service providers (VSPs), who are reshaping the way businesses operate and grow.

2024 132
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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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Caution: Complacency is a Career Killer

Eat Your Career

In today’s ultra-competitive workplace, success requires a drive for continuous improvement. Complacency is the opposite of that. In simple terms, complacency describes a state of self-satisfaction that often comes with a lack of awareness for potential deficiencies. It is one of the most significant­—and common—threats to career success. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with being content.

Learning 130

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How to Calculate Your Freelance Rate


For as long as the very concept of freelancing has existed, one question has plagued rookie and veteran freelancers alike: How much should I charge? Regardless of the type of work you do, there’s no right or wrong way to arrive at a billable rate, as long as you land somewhere that doesn’t undervalue your skills. But even in cases with a fixed budget and no wiggle room to negotiate, you always have the choice to simply turn down an unfair rate.

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The Role of a Strategic Partner

Office Dynamics

Discover key insights and answers to common questions on understanding and embracing the role of a strategic partner.

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One in four people have turned down a job because they hated its office environment

Workplace Insight

Almost a quarter (23 percent) of people say that they have turned down a job because they didn’t like the office environment, according to a new poll. This rose to almost a third (32 percent) for 18 – 24-year-olds indicating the need for a high-quality office environment for the younger generation. Geographically, workers in the capital are most likely to pass on a job based on the office surroundings, with a third (32 percent) of London based workers admitting to declining a role for this reaso

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Episode 548: Leo Babauta Talks About the Power of Slowing Down and Intentional Living


In this special Flashback Friday episode, I’m revisiting a conversation I had with my long-time friend and the founder of Zen Habits, Leo Babauta. This episode offers timeless insights into slowing down, living intentionally, and focusing on what truly matters. In 2024, Leo and I caught up to reflect on how much – or how little – has changed since our initial conversation.

2011 52
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Unlock Your Productivity: Simple Steps for Every Professional

Unlock your full potential with our comprehensive guide on productivity. This detailed resource explores the three fundamental pillars of effective task management: Todo List Mastery, Time Management, and Habit Optimization. Learn to capture and prioritize your tasks effectively, schedule them using proven strategies like the Pomodoro Technique, and maintain your productivity through consistent habit tracking.

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Amazon’s New Mandate For Full-Time Office Work Is A Step Backward That Will Cost Them Dearly


Amazon’s recent mandate requiring corporate employees to return to the office five days a week starting in January is stirring up significant backlash. The expectation that in-person mandates would lead to increased collaboration and creativity often backfires, generating resentment and disengagement instead. By insisting on a one-size-fits-all office model, Amazon risks diminishing overall productivity rather than enhancing it.

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How To Finance Higher Education On A Budget


Financing higher education to advance career goals can be daunting. As a Manhattan public school teacher, I’m required to complete a master’s degree within the next four years to maintain my certification. Saving for grad school on a teacher’s salary in an expensive city is challenging, especially without familial help. Luckily, I’ve found research tactics, scholarships and financial strategies to support my education without relying on loans.

Budget 246
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Leveraging Organic Content to Attract and Convert Your Ideal Clients

Jennie Lyon

Strategic organic content is the backbone of any successful digital marketing strategy, including in written, audio, and video formats. As an online business, your organic content is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, build trust, create a genuine connection with your audience, and attract your ideal clients. But here’s the catch—not just any content will get these… The post Leveraging Organic Content to Attract and Convert Your Ideal Clients appeared first on Jennie Lyon Digital M

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Want to hold on to people? Pay them enough

Workplace Insight

In spite of all the chatter about the so-called Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting, whether people decide to stay with or leave an employer still largely depends on whether they think they are paid enough. According to a new poll from SD Worx , pay remains the number one reason employees will stay with a company or leave. For the report, SD Worx surveyed 5,000 businesses and 18,000 employees in 18 countries across Europe, including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Belgium.

Salary 59
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Elevating the Virtual Interviewing Experience

Sharing your authentic self in a virtual interview can be an unwanted challenge. How do you break through the digital barrier when conducting a virtual interview and share your exceptional self? Think in unconventional ways to elevate the virtual interviewing experience.

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Is Having a Work Ethic Still Important? You Bet It Is.

Bonnie Low-Kramen

By Bonnie Low-Kramen | Administrative Professional Today | 2024 Q. Is being a committed professional assistant who is consistently willing to go above and beyond an old-school idea and oh so pre-pandemic? Some people say it is. A. I say absolutely not. In the post-pandemic workplace where assistants are working fully remote or in a hybrid way, trustworthiness and accountability for work has become more important than ever.

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“Silver Tsunami” To Create Urgent Workforce Shortages By 2032, Analysts Predict


Baby Boomers continue to retire at unprecedented rates, leading researchers to say the workforce will experience large labor shortages in the coming years. Since 2020, over 80% of the 5 million workers who have left the U.S. job market are older than 55 — a trend analysts call the “Silver Tsunami.” Despite greater numbers of Gen Z workers entering the labor market, the mass exodus of boomers foreshadows labor market challenges as younger generations of workers will struggle to fill the excessi

Medical 264
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Infuse Micro Exercises Into Your Workay for Optimum Health and Productivity


Exercising and taking breaks can fall by the wayside when you’re absorbed in work. Unaware of the passing time, you might spend most of the day hunched over a computer screen, only to feel achy, stiff and lethargic later on. However, along with limbering up muscles and reducing stress, exercise combats the effects of environmental toxicity, according to physician Raj Singh, M.D.

Health 246
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Ep 289: Kelly Munoz on Networking and Supporting Fellow Assistants


Kelly Munoz has 15+ years of experience supporting C-level executives in NYC. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Kelly talks about networking and supporting fellow assistants, the worst gift an executive gifted her, and more. LEADERSHIP QUOTE Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

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Mandatory COVID Vaccination Policy Template

New vaccine mandates and testing policies will affect employers with more than 100 workers. Get Paycor’s free, customizable vaccination policy template to communicate critical details and new requirements to your employees. Get Paycor’s Template today!

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Third of people would like workplace AI ban, half feel jobs are insecure

Workplace Insight

A new poll from CYPHER Learning claims that one in three workers would like to see AI banned from the workplace, while nearly half express concern that AI poses a threat to their future job security. The study , suggests that women, workers over the age of 55, and those in clerical or manual labour roles feel most at risk. The survey of 4,543 workers across the US, UK, and Mexico found that AI is reshaping job roles, with 63 percent of respondents reporting that AI technologies has already chang

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Episode 547: Kurtis Lee Thomas Talks About Breathwork Detox and Thriving in the Age of Anxiety


In this episode of A Productive Conversation , I sit down with Kurtis Lee Thomas , author of Breathwork Detox: How to Thrive in the Age of Anxiety. Kurtis shares his powerful story of overcoming crippling anxiety and how breathwork became a transformative tool for healing and thriving. His journey from stress and burnout to becoming a leading voice in breathwork is nothing short of inspiring.

Stress 52
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What’s The Secret To Successful Remote Work? Fostering Inclusion And Trust


Innovation often stems from casual interactions and weak ties between employees. Written communication, which lacks the nuance of face-to-face interactions, can lead to misunderstandings. Managers must actively invest in developing their team’s strengths, recognizing their contributions, and maintaining regular communication. Remote work has revolutionized the professional landscape, and few understand this better than Cristi Tobelmann , Senior Vice President of Human Resources at DaySmart Soft

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Mark Matson: Experiencing The American Dream And Why It’s Still Worth Chasing


As a thought leader, financial educator, and founder and CEO of Matson Money, Mark Matson is proud to say he has achieved his American Dream. But after coaching thousands of others on the value of hard work and his patient, “passive management,” investment philosophy, he also knows that many now see its core tenants as a pipe dream. In his new book Experiencing The American Dream: How to Invest Your Time, Energy, and Money to Create an Extraordinary Life , Matson offers a rebuttal to that idea.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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The Role of Executive Assistants in Enhancing HR Efficiency and Productivity

C-Suite Assistants

Whatever the business, HR is essential! Human resources is all about attracting and onboarding top talent and supporting these professionals throughout their careers at the company. Whether the “HR team” is one person or an ensemble, it has many responsibilities, from sourcing and hiring candidates to handling employee concerns and ensuring federal labor compliance.

Payroll 52
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Hybrid working may just be a kink in the road to something better

Workplace Insight

When you fixate on deciding precisely how much time everybody has to spend in an office, somebody is going to decide the answer is five days. The peculiar obsession with pronouncing the answer to be two days or three days can be dated back to 2020 when a load of people who had never previously taken much interest in the matter decided to reinvent a world that had never existed, by replacing it with something that couldn’t exist.

2019 52
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Episode 546: John Zeratsky Talks About Designing Your Environment for Focus (Flashback Friday)


In this Flashback Friday episode of A Productive Conversation , I revisit my insightful discussion with John Zeratsky , co-author of Make Time. This conversation dives into practical tips on optimizing focus, creating a conducive environment for productivity, and the fascinating concept of caffeine naps. John’s background in design and tech shines through as we explore strategies that help you make the most of your time and attention every day.

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U.K. Employers Raise Alarm Over Labour’s Proposed Employment Regulations


Many employers in the U.K. are apprehensive about the Labour government’s plans for providing additional employee protections — fearing new policies will make it difficult to hire or fire staff — according to a new survey. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) published new findings in its annual employment trends survey , revealing more than half (62%) of employers say the proposed measures could negatively impact the country’s business and investment climate over the next five years.

Policies 264
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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Saving Starbucks: What We Can Learn From Brian Niccol’s Vision to Refocus the Coffee Giant


This month, Brian Niccol was announced as Starbucks’ new CEO. The 50-year-old businessman has high hopes for the global coffee chain, demanding critical changes to its operations and promising a major overhaul of its crumbling brand image. Niccol hopes to steer Starbucks back on track, as the company has struggled in recent years to regain its dominance on the street corner.

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Your Problem Isn’t The Space, It’s The People


Despite improving office environments, employees resist returning to an office — a time investment in which they see no value. Leaders must practice and demonstrate the benefits of in-office collaboration to foster a culture that values face-to-face interactions, mentorship, and teamwork. Organizations should be flexible and innovative in their approach to hybrid work, balancing both remote and in-office settings to maximize productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall team synergy.

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Shanghai Landlords Offer To Pay Fit Out Costs to Attract Tenants


Much like other struggling large commercial real estate markets around the world, Shanghai landlords are adopting new strategies to fill vacant offices and maintain levels of occupancy in the face of economic challenges. As businesses face financial constraints, many office landlords in mainland China are reportedly stepping up to provide furnished spaces.